Share Your Notewise Journey: Create, Post, and Win!

Share Your Notewise Journey: Create, Post, and Win!

Join our exciting "Share Your Notewise Journey" campaign and showcase your experience with Notewise for a chance to win amazing rewards! Whether you're a long-time user or new to our platform, we want to see how Notewise enhances your productivity and creativity.

How to Participate

1. Create and Share

  • Share your Notewise experience on any social media platform like YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, TikTok or Xiaohongshu (小红书).
  • Your content can be images or videos (we especially encourage you to create videos).
  • Posts can highlight user experiences, tips & tricks, or showcase notes you’ve created with Notewise.
  • Ensure your post gets a minimum of 10 likes and make sure to include the hashtag #notewise to qualify.

2. Send Your Post

  • Take a screenshot of your post and a valid link to it. Make sure that the link is public accessible.
  • Take a screenshot of your social media app's profile page.
  • Email these content to with the subject title "[Event - Share & Win] Your Name".

3. Win Rewards

Based on the quality of your content and the engagement (likes and viewership), we will award you with Notewise Cloud subscriptions ranging 1 month to a full year, or Notewise Unlimited access!

  • Existing Notewise Cloud subscribers: If you win, we'll extend or upgrade your current subscription for free!
  • New Notewise Cloud subscribers: Subscribe now and share your post! If you're eligible, we'll refund your subscription or extend it, depending on the prize you win. (This applies only to new subscribers who joined after June 15th, 2023).
  • If you're eligible for at least 6 months of Notewise Cloud subscriptions but prefer Notewise Unlimited, we will grant you free access to Notewise Unlimited!

Tips for a Winning Post

  • Be Creative: Unique and visually appealing content tends to attract more viewers and likes.
  • Be Informative: Share tips & tricks or detailed user experiences to provide value to your audience.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and encourage likes and shares to boost your post’s reach.

For any questions, feel free to contact us at Happy note-taking and good luck!